Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College

Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College

Barry’s Bay, Ontario




Catholic Faculty


Catholic Students

Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College (international)

Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College is a bright light of faith in Canada and a very affordable option for American students seeking a faithfully Catholic, liberal arts curriculum.

The three-year Bachelor of Catholic Studies program offers concentrations in theology, philosophy, history, literature, and classical and early Christian studies. Five theology courses and five philosophy courses are part of the strong core requirements. Many students continue straight into graduate studies, but it’s best to plan ahead and discover whether additional courses are needed.

The faculty and president are Catholic and make the Profession of Faith. While awaiting new mandatum procedures in the diocese, all theologians take an Oath of Fidelity. All students are Catholic, a good portion were homeschooled, and about 5 percent are from the U.S.

Students participate in the adjacent St. Hedwig Parish, which offers Mass daily and Adoration six days a week. On campus, students have opportunities for prayer, Mass twice each week, and Confession three days a week.

All student residence halls are appropriately single-sex with no opposite-sex visitation to private rooms. Student clubs focus on drama, sacred music, pro-life action, and more. Annual events include formal dances, a play, and feast days. Physical activity is encouraged through weekly hockey, volleyball, soccer, and dodgeball as well as hiking, skiing, and canoeing in the surrounding lakes region.

At only three years of low tuition, Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College is one of The Newman Guide’s most affordable options. The strong curriculum and faithful formation should appeal to many faithful Catholics.

What we really like:

Without bells and whistles, this small college focuses on what is most important about Catholic education: a strong liberal arts curriculum, faith formation, and fellowship. It is a model of steadfast fidelity in contrast to the declining Catholic education in Canada. Add to this the beauty of studying in scenic Barry’s Bay.

Visit Campus

Get in touch with Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College to schedule your campus visit:

1-877-369-6520, ext. 203

Box 249, 18 Karol Wojtyla Square
Barry’s Bay, Ontario K0J 1B0


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Catholic Identity Special Recognition for Our Lady Seat of Wisdom in The Newman Guide:

  • GOLD: Catholic Trustees

    100% of trustees are Catholic.

  • GOLD: Profession of Faith

    All Catholic faculty and president make the Profession of Faith at least once upon hiring, and all theology faculty have requested the mandatum from the bishop.

  • GOLD: Theology and Philosophy

    At least 24 credits of study in Catholic theology and philosophy required for all undergraduates.

  • GOLD: Honors and Speakers

    Has policy prohibiting honors and speaking invitations to those who publicly oppose Catholic moral teaching and ensures that speakers do not call into question Catholic moral teaching.

  • GOLD: Spiritual Life

    Mass is offered every day on campus and there are scheduled opportunities at least three times/week for Confession & Adoration.

  • GOLD: Student Residences

    Student residences are single sex, and there is never opposite sex visitation in student residences.

  • GOLD: Catholic Faculty

    100% of faculty is Catholic.

  • GOLD: Catholic Students

    At least 95% of students are Catholic.